The Joys of Jet lag

Being wide awake at 4.30am means you can go back to sleep and still get up at stupid-o-clock.  And we all know the best thing to do at stupid-o-clock is to go out and take photos before the city wakes up*….and you thought I was being sarcastic when I said The Joys of Jet lag.

I’m staying in the Gothic quarter of Barcelona, the oldest part of the city.  It was built around 5 minutes after Jesus was around.  He may have been a famous carpenter, but I think the stone masons of the day need some serious praise.  The buildings are amazing.  and just when you think all the beautiful buildings are looking a bit same-y you turn a corner and stumble across something one step above what you’ve already seen….That, or someone sleeping on the street.  (it’s stupid o-clock remember)

I also noticed it was 20 degrees at 6am.


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*turns out Barcelona is not a morning city, but I was yet to learn that.

4 thoughts on “The Joys of Jet lag

  1. You will have to re-type, i’ve not seen a NP/early bird story. It sort of day 5. I’m into my 4th day here but it took a day to get here.
    Have not seen any donkeys, only 13 geese in a cloister and stray dogs everywhere. will keep an eye out today though, donkeys got to be better than stray dogs.


  2. Oops! Very sensitive keyboard this one that doesn’t appreciate being leaned on. Did you get my congratulatory/early bird/New Plymouth message or do I have to re-type?

    I calculate that it’s Day 5 already, and note that the 4.30 rising means you gain an extra few hours each day. You must have read that story of Maui.
    Happy travels and explorations. (Do they still use donkeys in Spain?)

